Asari Dokubo, ex-Niger the Niger Delta militant leader is under fire from Ijaw people over his inclusion of their communities as part of the territory of his new Biafra Customary Government.
Speaking under the aegis of Movement for the Survival of Ijaw Ethnic Nationality in Niger Delta (MOSIEND). Ijaw communities disowned Dokubo, describing him as a joker that should not be accorded much attention.
The President of MOSIEND, Kennedy Tonjo West, who spoke in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, said all Ijaw communities were insulted by Dokubo’s attempt to associate them with Biafra.
He therefore called on the ex-militant leader to tender unreserved apology to the Ijaw people.
West said: “Asari Dokubo’s statement is lacking in substance and merit. It is self-seeking and self-serving. He is on a wide goose chase and a lonely Biafran. Izon communities can never be Biafran province. Dokubo’s Biafra Customary Government is a figment of his wildest imagination.
“None of the purported province claimed by Asari Dokubo belong to Biafra. Dokubo’s statement is insulting, provocative, and narrow in perspective. Can he say this before the communities or their kings?
“MOSIEND condemns it and demand apology for his bogus and unfounded claims. Asari is on his own. Asari should not be taking seriously on this matter.”
He added that Dokubo’s latest adventure would only cause disaffection between the Ijaw and the Igbo and warned the ex-militant against creating enemies for Ijaw people.
He said: “Dokubo’s claim is an affront to the ancestral integrity of those ancient towns he made mention. It is disturbing, misleading and undermining. While we respect the views of our compatriots from other ethnic nationality, our agitation should be devoid of ethnic rivalry.
“Izon communities and we believe others feel the same way, are not conquered province, not for sale. Asari Dokubo must not use Izon communities as a bargain chip to advance his selfish interest.
Also, the National President, Ogbia Brotherhood Youth Council OBYC, Comrade Napuru Bassuo, described Dokubo-Asari as a loner on an unplanned journey.
Bassuo, said the Ijaw would only support the declaration of a Niger Delta Republic not Biafra Customary Government.
He stated: “As Ijaw people from Ogbia extraction in the Niger Delta, we do not subscribe to the declaration made by Dokubo-Asari on the constitution of Biafra Customary Government.
“There’s no gain saying that Dokubo-Asari’s alliance has never been supported by the Ijaws not in Bayelsa nor any part of Ijaw land. For as long as we know, the Ijaws belong to the Niger Delta’s cause and no land of the Niger Delta or Ogbia land will be a territory of Biafra Customary Government.