An independent review panel led by Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland has cleared Akinwumi Adesina, president of the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) of all charges.
“The panel concurs with the committee in its findings in respect of all the allegations against the President and finds that they were properly considered and dismissed by the Committee,” the report of the independent review committee said.
Adesina has been accused by some whistleblower of favouritism in the award of contracts. Although he was cleared by the ethics committee of the bank, the US had requested for an independent investigation saying it was not satisfied with the report of the committee.
The former Nigerian agriculture minister who is seeking another five-term as AfDB President had always maintained that he was “innocent” of the charges.
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According to the report by Robinson who was Ireland president from 1990 to 1997, the committee dismissed the 16 whistleblower allegations against Adesina.
The panel did not investigate the charges themselves, as that was not within their mandate.
The AfDB plays an important if largely behind-the-scenes role in African economies, financing projects in agriculture, health, energy, education, transport and other development sectors.