Global Credit Rating has upgraded NOVA Merchant Bank’s Long Term Issuer Rating from BBB – to BBB with a stable outlook. The reasons given for the upgrade include the Bank’s strong capitalisation, risk position, liquidity and evolving brand.
The upgrade in the Bank’s rating comes shortly after Datapro recently reaffirmed the “A” rating of it’s N10 billion 7-Year Subordinated Unsecured Bond which was oversubscribed by 300% when initially issued.
This achievement also follows the recent publication of the Bank’s financial results for FY2020 in which it declared a profit after tax of N3.49bn in 2020 compared to N1.65bn in 2019. The Bank also achieved a 130% increase in gross earnings while its cost to income ratio declined from 55% in 2019 to 44% in 2020.
According to Mr. Nath Ude, the MD/CEO, “The achievement of a ratings upgrade given the headwinds witnessed in the economy represents another positive development in the Bank this year following our impressive financial performance, resilience and the reaffirmation of the “A” rating on our bond.”
The Chairman of NOVA Merchant Bank, Mr. Phillips Oduoza, further noted “An upgrade in the Bank’s rating given the challenging macroeconomic context demonstrates the efficiency of the various governance structures put in place to secure the long term sustainability of the bank. It provides a strong foundation for the continuation of our growth trajectory.”
NOVA Merchant Bank offers an integrated suite of financial solutions covering Wholesale Banking, Investment Banking, Asset Management, Wealth Management, Trade Services, Transaction Banking, Cash Management and Digital Banking.