Pat Obilor Celebrates Global Stars In New Book, The Patriology

From an amateur Presenter in Ibadan to a global Author: See how Pat Obilor Stands Out in her world as she connects with global stars in her new 3in1 Book release, The Patriology.

Pat Obilor, Nigeria’s Media personality celebrates global stars on book cover as she sets a new records to publish self-themed THREE in ONE Book “The
Patriology”. The Patriology is
a THREE in ONE book on Purpose and Spirituality, innovative Entrepreneurship and the entertainment Industry Business written to reawaken your enthusiasm for life and business, inspire and re-Ignite your Passion, discover your creative potentials, find your sparks, shine your light and become be a true Star!

“So let’s imagine you need a social media detox and wish to stay offline for a while but also desire to be productive with your time knowing more about lucrative ways to do
business and innovative entrepreneurship, or you want to draw inspiration from great people and how you can be one of them or you wish to know the basics about world affairs in almost every creative sector and the people in charge of things from the inception of innovative inventions as it impacts on today’s world; perhaps you want to find your sparks knowing the values of creative digital Media, honing your craft and monetizing it, to gaining mild insight into the world of show business etc… All in one book with
NO Google in sight! This book is for you!”

With the book, featuring three titles as “Celebrity Decoded, “Start your Startup and “Nuggets 700; the 3in1 book, The Patriology’ is a timeless book useful for curious individuals, creative media enthusiasts, career/business-oriented men and women who are thirsty for a new perspective to life, so are in need of simple but concise reflective guides about their potentials and purpose, nurturing their creative interests, advancing their career, building scalable businesses and connecting to their spiritual DNA. It is also a practical soothing companion for anyone who needs a sense of succour and light as they journey through life’s darkest moments.

Please note, all Books (Ebook, hardcopy/paperback) are also available online on her personal website,
Amazon Kindle, Okadabooks and Xlibris UK etc. For more updates and inquiries, connect with her books page on Instagram @thepatriology

Quickies about the Book

  1. Book Title: The Patriology
  2. ISBN: 978- 978- 976-954-4
  3. Theme: The Patriology focuses on inspiring human passion and socio-digital appreciation with elements such as Purpose and Spirituality, innovative Entrepreneurship and the entertainment Industry Business, a book written to reawaken your enthusiasm for life and business, inspire and re-Ignite your Passion, discover your creative potentials as you become be a true Star!
  4. Number of pages: 300 pages
  5. Editors: Alvina Ibe and Pat Obilor
  6. Cover Design: Efe Chesterfield
  7. Ebook/Paperback Release date: 30th September 2020
  8. Pricing: 10,000 Naira only
  9. Publisher: Xlibris UK and Sparkles Media Press Ltd
  10. Author: Pat Obilor
  11. Sale Outlets:, google Books, (Amazon, Okadabooks, Barnes & Noble, Xlibris UK) and Major Bookstores around you!

Disclaimer: The writer takes cognizance of the National Library of Nigeria cataloging in publication data and the data protection policy of the British library literary based contents and references made as at the time of release for this book.

For more information, use for Training purposes, sales distribution or to preorder this book, please visit or

You can also follow the author and updates about the book on instagram @thepatriology and @patobilor #Thepatriology #3in1book #celeritydecoded #startyourstartup #nuggets700 #patobilor #Theshowbizbook

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